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Cyberbullying and Digital Drama


Group of Friends
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What is Cyberbullying and Digital Drama in a digital context?

This could mean that you are posting mean comments on peoples pages, or you are making mean videos about people on the internet. Digital Drama means that people are getting into fights online, and possibly in real life because of that.


How can we demonstrate a Christian worldview through this characteristic?

    How can we demonstrate a Christian worldview through this characteristic?

We can say to people who are doing this that what they are doing is wrong because the Bible says that we are supposed to be kind to people. Ephesians 4:32 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

    What are 3 ways to demonstrate positive digital citizenship with regard to this characteristic?

Posting nice comments about people, never making fun of anyone seriously in a video, and not getting mad at people online if they disagree about something with you.

    What are 3 ways to demonstrate negative digital citizenship with regard to this characteristic?

You can tell people online that they are ugly, or you could get into lots of fights on the internet, also you could be rude to people in real life about something they said on the internet.

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