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Relationships and Communication

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Silver Smartphone

What is  relationships and communication  in a digital context?

Relationships and Communication in a digital context refer to how we create relationships online and how we maintain those relationships, whether they are romantic, platonic, or professional. We have to be careful with the people we meet and trust, because you never know how they are in real life.

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    How can we demonstrate a Christian worldview through this characteristic?


Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. This Bible verse shows that we should choose our friends wisely, and not just be friends with any old random person on the internet.

    What are 3 ways to demonstrate positive digital citizenship with regard to this characteristic?

- always communicate in a kind way

- think twice before posting

- try to maintain relationships face-to-face as well as online

What are 3 ways to demonstrate negative  digital citizenship with regard to this characteristic?

- be unclear and sarcastic in virtual communication

- post anything and everything

- check out from the world and only communicate online

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